
Refund policy

Buying Online 

If the item you have ordered isn't right you have 14 days from the dispatch date to return to us at the below address. If you collect your order from our store you have 14 days from the order date to return it for a full refund, not the date of collection. After the 14 day refund period has passed an exchange or a credit note will be offered.

All items must be returned unworn and with the original tags where possible. When we receive your items back at store they will be inspected and where the item complies with the above a full refund will be given within 14 days and you will be notified by email where possible.

Please note: All SALE and discounted items are non returnable and non refundable.

To return the item at your own cost please send to the below address:


The Boutique

10 Church Street


NR17 2AH


Pierced earrings, face masks and personalised items are exempt from this policy. 

If your item is faulty, we will replace or refund up to 28 days after purchase.

This does not affect your statutory rights.